To do this you must click on the first icon with your image and, in the pop-up menu, select the Invoices option.
In this section there are four tabs that we are going to break down for you:
Invoices tab:.
Here you will see all the invoices issued by SWHosting. You will visualize the invoice number, the date, the description and the amount of the invoice. Also, from the menu [ ··· ] located on the right side of the invoice, you will have the option to download it in PDF format or send it by e-mail.
Balance Management tab:
In this section you will be able to view the balance movements associated with your account.
From here you can also add credit to your account by credit card, PayPal, Stripe or bank transfer payment, always with a minimum amount of €5**.
Remember that the loading of credits using PayPal or Stripe has a commission applied by the platform. The credit that will be added to your SWPanel will be the result of the requested charge minus the amount of commission charged by PayPal or Stripe.
Credit Card Management tab.
This section will display all the credit cards you have entered in your SWPanel.
Here you can also add new credit cards using the blue button on the right.
You can also delete a card if you no longer want it to be displayed in the panel, by clicking on the menu [ --- ] located on the right side of the card -> Delete this credit card -> Confirm its deletion
Cards that have expired are automatically deleted with prior notice from our systems by e-mail.
347 model tab
Here you will be able to consult all the invoices of the year for the model 347, which is the annual informative declaration of the operations with third parties that have been carried out throughout the fiscal year. You will notice that the invoice number, date, description and amount are clearly indicated, as well as a quarterly summary.